Proxy address?
ESET triggers interception?
Because ViewTurbo requires requests and proxying involving the network part, ESET Security may accidentally intercept the ViewTurbo network and need to manually exclude the interception from eset.
In Windows, the default installation locations for ViewTurbo and ViewTurboCore are:
"Settings"->"Network Protection"->"Web Access Protection"->"Excluded Applications"->"New"->Select ViewTurbo.exe and ViewTurbocore.exe
UWP class application has no network connection? (Including weather, Microsoft Store, etc.)
- Run
with administrator permissions - Execute the command
FOR /F "tokens=11 delims=\" %p IN ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Mappings"') DO CheckNetIsolation.exe LoopbackExempt -a -p=%p
Telegram is not available?
Telegram needs to set the socks5 proxy address port 15733. Select it and then theoretically, in the state that is not logged in to telegram, the state in the connection will be processed all the time. Exit telegram immediately and restart telegram.
Please restart ViewTurbo and Telegram programs. Or restart the system
Does GPU/CPU take up high?
You can minimize the ViewTurbo window or close the ViewTurbo to make it in the system box, and open the window if needed.
We may introduce inefficiency models in the future.
How to switch in night mode?
You can read the official documentation on Microsoft: ** Personalize Your Color in Windows**
Node test failed?
Please select the region and your real country or region in the settings, otherwise it will not be able to connect to our server or cause AI proxy to be very slow.